Monday, October 17, 2016

Beloved Images

Beloved and Denver
Image result for abstract art moma

Beloved and Denver
Image result for abstract modern art

Beloved and Paul D
Image result for abstract modern art


  1. For the image that shows the relationship between Denver and Beloved, I think it accurately portrays how Denver looks to beloved for comfort.

  2. The last one, with the body seemingly consuming the other body, is totally indicative of Beloved's relationship with Paul D. It's a confusing, abstract, all-encompassing and paranoid connection, and the curves and indefinite aspects of the painting correlate with those aspects of the relationship.

  3. I feel like all of the pictures showcase some sort of intimacy in the proximity between the two figures.

  4. The second image portrays a very vivid image of maternal instinct and desire, with similar traits for both of the painted women.

  5. The second image portrays a very vivid image of maternal instinct and desire, with similar traits for both of the painted women.

  6. The picture of Beloved and Denver combines blue and orange, combining the soothing and comforting aspects of the relationship.
